近来,波音公司成功签署了一项军事协议,将制造一艘大型飞船,取名“幻影飞梭”(Phantom Express)。“幻影飞梭”飞船的机型尺寸和商业飞机相当,起飞时将如同火箭,能够将自身送入大气层之外的太空,在转身和着陆之前能够释放出可张开的第二级火箭和卫星。该飞船在着陆时也如同飞机一样。飞船制造项目名为XS-1,预计将于2020年首次亮相。
'I think in the next decade or two you're going to see them become a reality,' Boeing Chairman and CEO Dennis Muilenburg told CNBC at the Paris Air Show.  He believes the firm's work on experimental craft such as the firm's work on the X-51 Waverider (pictured) would also prove invaluable.


The inability to turn a profit on supersonic flights between the U.S. and Europe is what ultimately killed the Concorde.It was first flown in 1969, but needed further tests to establish it as viable as a commercial aircraft.

Boeing is looking to test the technology in a simulator this summer and use it in real aircraft from next year, Mike Sinnett, vice president of product development said (stock image)




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