Get together! Goodbye! Return is still a teenager


Since the establishment of the station on November 1, 2007, the website has been constantly changing everything, and all things belong to the user. It can be regarded as a network of more than ten years, witnessing the glory of some personalization fields in the IT industry. In the past, many IT technology enthusiasts found resources, organizations, tutorials, masters, friends and lovers on this site and their predecessors. In these years, only two or three years is the golden age of our website. The past does not look after the aftertaste. Nowadays, it has become a place where the friends of the rivers and lakes are nostalgic (the place of love).

Thanks to the obscure friends who contributed to the website, and those who are willing to use their hobbies to help everyone, and also to everyone who came to this website. Wonderful because of your arrival, moved by your stay. Too much gratitude is so confusing, in short, thank you all the way to your peers.

On August 8, 2018, the journey of the ten-year-old network was completed and turned into a permanent memory. Turning into our indestructible friendship, please rest assured all our friends, we are still there, we will always be, and we will be more mature and stubborn.

Excerpted from the name changed to Soft in 2013, a netizen said: Soft Hui is not just my personal ones, but also belongs to our hobbyists, but belongs to thousands of netizens.

Started in 2007, loyal to 2017, transition 2018-2020, wings the future, Nirvana rebirth. We will always be there for the next ten years, and we will be with you sincerely.


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